The Post-Summer Declutter

The Post-Summer Declutter

05/09/2024 16:25

Now we're in September, it seems like summer may have slipped away in the blink of an eye, before it even had the chance to get started! With August over and the kids heading back to school, it’s hard to ignore that the evenings are growing that little bit darker that little bit earlier... Whilst it’s not quite time to pull out the wool jumpers (yet!), it’s definitely time to start thinking about what needs to go into storage and what should come out.

Packing Away Summer

Sadly, the time has come to store away the barbeques. No one wants to be the person who splurged on a BBQ during the summer only to leave it outside all winter, rusted, greasy and unusable by next year. So, what’s the solution? BBQs, along with other summer gear like tents that won’t fully collapse, beach toys, and outdoor furniture, are some of the most common items that end up in self-storage.

Self-storage offers a smart way to pack away your summer essentials in a safe, dry, and secure environment, so they’re in top shape when the next heatwave hits.

At M-Store, we ensure your belongings are in good hands with:

  • Security cameras covering the entire site
  • A high-tech security pass system
  • Individual alarms on each unit
  • A high perimeter fence
  • A dedicated team focused on safeguarding your items
Time for a Declutter

With September in full swing, now's the perfect time to sort through your children’s toys, clothes, and belongings. Kids grow fast, and it’s amazing how quickly they outgrow things. Take this opportunity to recycle, donate, or store items you want to save for younger siblings until next year. While you wait for them to grow into these things, self-storage can be a handy option to keep your home clutter-free.

Create Space at Home

Trying to organise a house without enough storage is like cooking a meal with no plates to serve it on. When items don’t have a proper place, they end up scattered across the living room or drifting aimlessly around the house, not an ideal situation for a peaceful place to spend time in after a long day at work/school!

Consider adding storage solutions like under-bed drawers for the kids, or vacuum-sealed bags to store summer clothes. If you’re still struggling for space, think outside the house. Self-storage is a great solution for safely stashing items you don’t need immediate access to, freeing up room at home.

How M-Store Can Help

Looking for reliable self-storage? Contact the M-Store team at 01726 890880, email us at enquiries@m-store.biz, or use our online chat to connect with a team member today!