The Art of Decluttering: How a Tidy Home Can Improve Your Mental Health

The Art of Decluttering: How a Tidy Home Can Improve Your Mental Health

29/04/2024 15:10

Decluttering; a task that might seem mundane at the time - but can pack a powerful punch when it comes to your overall wellbeing at home. In fact, studies have shown that the simple act of tidying up can work wonders for your mental health. Let’s take a look at how a clutter-free home can help lead to a clutter-free mind…

Picture this: you walk through your front door after a long and hectic day at work. Instead of being greeted by piles of this morning’s clutter scattered about the house like a tornado has hit whilst you’ve been at work, a tidy, organised, and comfortable space welcomes you. Ah,stress-free bliss! Studies have shown that living in a cluttered and untidy environment can increase cortisol levels, aka the main stress hormone in our bodies – and so, by decluttering and keeping things neat, you're actively lowering your stress levels without even thinking about it!

But it's not just about stress reduction; it's about fostering a sense of calm and serenity in your living space. When everything has its place, you're not constantly searching for misplaced items or feeling overwhelmed by the chaos. Instead, you can breathe easy and relax in your own little sanctuary, a tidy house = a tidy mind after all!

Sometimes however, despite our best efforts, we just have too much ‘stuff’. That's where self-storage can come in handy. Whether you're in the midst of de-cluttering for a tidier home, downsising, in between moves, or simply need some extra space, M-Store Self-Storage provide a convenient and flexible solution. By utilising their range of units to store items you don't use regularly, you’re freeing up valuable space in your home and reducing clutter. Plus, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that your belongings are safely stashed away, giving you even more in your new stress-free space!

Give the friendly M-Store team a call on 01726 890880 or email enquiries@m-store.biz and they’ll be happy to help you get the ball rolling on your new clutter-free house and mind.