Top Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Self-Storage Unit

Top Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Self-Storage Unit

12/07/2024 15:18

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a first-timer in the world of self-storage and its many uses, we’ve all had a few ‘I wish I knew that sooner’ thoughts along the way. Here are some common mistakes and how to avoid them to keep your self-storage experience smooth and stress-free from start to finish!

1. Not Labelling Your Boxes

We’ve all been there – you’re searching for that one thing you need right now, but it’s lost in a sea of identical boxes, stacked ontop of each other in a dark unit. Save yourself the hassle and pr-label your boxes clearly, as you’re packing them. Trust us, future you will thank you for it!

2. Forgetting to Make an Inventory

Sure, you remember what’s in your storage unit now, but will you in six months down the line when you actually need to access it for something? Keep a simple inventory list for everything that you put in, and equally, take out as and when you do. It doesn’t have to be fancy – a quick note on your phone will do the trick.

3. Skipping Climate Control

If you’re storing anything sensitive to temperature changes or humidity like electronics, important documents, furniture, or delicate materials - then don’t skimp on climate control when it comes to selecting your unit. It might cost a little bit more, but it can save your stuff from damage in the long run – no matter how much time it’s being stored for.

4. Not Packing Properly

Throwing things haphazardly into boxes is a recipe for disaster. Use sturdy boxes, pack items carefully, and don’t forget to cushion fragile things. That way, your belongings will be much happier (and safer) throughout the whole process. At M-Store, you can purchase a range of packing materials including boxes, tape and bubble wrap prior to moving your things (we will post to your home address), or if you’ve ran out on arrival, we can help in person.  

5. Ignoring Security

Not all storage facilities are created equal. Make sure you choose one with good security in place – think surveillance cameras, gated access, pin-codes and on-site staff, afterall, peace of mind is priceless. At M-Store, we take the security of your belongings very seriously. Our centres are equipped with sophisticated alarm systems and 24hr CCTV surveillance. Access to the stores is strictly controlled and monitored and your unit is secured by your own personal padlock – to which only you have the key to!

6. Overpacking Your Unit

It’s tempting to cram as much as possible into your unit to really get as much as your money’s worth, but resist the urge! Overpacking and squashing boxes in makes it incredibly hard to find things in the future - and increases the risk of items toppling over which inevitably will lead to damage. Leave some space for a little walking path so that when it comes to finding your items, nothing will get broken (be it a bone or a belonging!)

7. Not Using Shelves

Shelves can be a game-changer for organising your storage unit. They help maximize vertical space and keep things neat and accessible. Consider investing in a few sturdy portable shelves to add to your personal unit if it doesn’t have any/enough to start with.

8. Neglecting Insurance

Don’t assume your items are automatically covered by your home insurance. Check with your provider or look into storage insurance. It’s a small price to pay for peace of mind if the worse did happen.

9. Forgetting to Plan Ahead

Think about how often you’ll need to access certain items. Store frequently used items near the front of your unit with plenty of walking space, and less-used items toward the back. A little planning goes a long way!

10. Procrastinating on Payments

Set up automatic payments if possible. Late fees are no fun, and the last thing you want is to lose your unit with no where else to go because of a missed payment. Stay on top of it, and you’ll have one less thing to worry about.

Avoid these common pitfalls, and you’ll be a storage unit pro in no time! Ready to make your self-storage move? give the M-Store team a call on 01726 890880 or email enquiries@m-store.biz today!