Storing Sentimental Items: Balancing Memory and Space

Storing Sentimental Items: Balancing Memory and Space

14/06/2024 14:18

We all have those cherished items that hold a special place in our hearts and homes – old family photos, childhood toys, grandma’s vintage teacups, and those handwritten letters from a loved one. These sentimental treasures are irreplaceable, but let’s face it, they can also take up a lot of space. Balancing the need to keep these memories alive while managing your living space can be a tricky task. 

Here are some top tips to help you store your sentimental items - without turning your home into a cluttered museum of memories.

Only Keep the Essentials

First things first, not everything needs to be kept. It’s tough to let go, but try to focus on items that truly hold significant value. Maybe that means keeping a few favourite pieces from your childhood toy collection instead of all 50 barbie dolls! You can always take photos of the items you decide to part with – that way, you’ll always have a visual memory without the physical clutter.

Use Proper Storage Packaging

For the items you do decide to keep, proper storage is key. Use sturdy, acid-free boxes for photos and paper items to prevent yellowing and damage. Consider using garment bags or plastic containers with airtight seals for the more delicate items you’re keeping, like old clothes or fabrics to help prevent mould or moths. Label everything clearly along the way, so you know exactly what’s in each box without having to rummage through piles of boxes in the future.

Rotate Display Items

That being said, you don’t have to hide all your sentimental items away. Pick a few favourites to display - and rotate them in and out of storage every few months. This way, you get to enjoy your memories without overwhelming your space. Plus, it keeps your home decor fresh and interesting!

Digitalise When Possible

For items like photos, letters, and documents, consider digitalising them. Scan and save these memories on a cloud service where they’re safe from physical damage. This way, you can access and share them easily without worrying about losing them to time or accidents.

Create a Memory Box

A memory box is a great way to store a curated selection of your most precious items. Choose a nice, sturdy box and fill it with a small number of your most meaningful keepsakes like gig tickets, postcards and trinkets. This not only limits the space your sentimental items take up, but also makes it easy to pull out and reminisce whenever you want.

Donate and Share

Sometimes, sharing your sentimental items with family members can be a great way to keep the memories alive whilst reducing your own storage needs. Pass on some of those cherished toys to your nieces or nephews or share old photos with siblings or cousins. This way, the memories stay alive within the family without overwhelming your space.

Set Boundaries

Finally, set boundaries for how much space you’re willing to dedicate to sentimental items. Whether it’s a single shelf, a box, or a closet. Having a limit can help you make tough decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.

Choose the Right Storage Unit

Still struggling to find the space to store your memories? Enter Self Storage. First things first, not all storage units are created equal. When storing sentimental items, you want to make sure they’re protected from the elements. Look for a climate-controlled unit to keep your items safe from extreme temperatures and humidity. This is especially important for things like photos, documents, and fabrics that can deteriorate over time.

Visit Occasionally

Just because your sentimental items are in storage doesn’t mean they’re out of your life. Make it a point to visit your storage unit occasionally. This gives you a chance to check on your items, rotate out things you might want to bring back home, and even just take a trip down memory lane. It’s like having your own little museum of personal history!

Share the Love

If you’re storing items that have sentimental value to other family members, consider sharing access to the storage unit. This way, they can also visit and reminisce, and it ensures that your family treasures are enjoyed by more than just you.

Balancing memory and space is all about finding what works best for you. Remember, it’s the memories that matter most, not the physical items themselves. With a little organisation and thoughtful curation, you can keep your sentimental treasures safe and manageable. 

If you’re looking for additional storage for your keepsake items, give the M Store team a call on 01726 890880 or email enquirie@m-store.biz to get in touch with our dedicated customer service team.