The three things taking up the most space in UK homes…

The three things taking up the most space in UK homes…

18/10/2023 09:27

Ever feel like your home just never has enough space, no matter how much clearing out and decluttering you do?


The question is, when performing your “declutter”, just how much stuff are you actually getting rid of? Many of us find ourselves hoarding items that we think we might one day make good use of again, or clothes that we pray we might one day fit back into. The truth is, you probably won’t ever find a new use for that one “thing” and if you ever do manage to fit back into those old outfits – the chances are, fashion and trends will have changed since too 


Here, we take a look at the top 3 things taking up the most room in UK homes, and what you can do to create more space.


1)    Hobby Items that are no longer used: remember that time you decided to take up golf – you went once, never signed up to join a club, and haven’t touched your clubs that now take residence in your spare room since? As a general rule of thumb, no matter how good your intentions are to one day pick up the golf clubs again – if they haven’t been used in 5 years, it’s time to donate, sell or store them. This doesn’t apply to just golf clubs, we’re talking fishing rods, exercise equipment, ski gear – the list goes on, but the 5-year rule still applies!


2)    Analogue items that have since gone digital: Avid home-baker, music-listener, film-watcher? Still surrounded by stacks of recipe books, old CD’s and piles of DVD’s? It’s time to ditch the clutter – all of these things can be found digitally through streaming platforms and on our smart TVs nowadays, and the best part is that none of them take up any extra or unnecessary space in our homes. It’s always a good idea to keep hold of a couple of books or disks that may hold a sentimental place in your life – like the first album you ever bought with your childhood pocket money for example, but the rest can be traded in online for cash or donated to charity – giving you more space and a tidier home.


3)    Clothes that no longer fit: Whether you’ve lost a few stone, gained a few pounds, or always find yourself somewhat uncomfortable in your older outfits, it may be time for a wardrobe clear-out. As our bodies, the seasons, and the times change – so does the style, and whether you think you might one day fit back into that old pair of size 8 jeans or not – the chances are, skinny jeans are out, and flares are “back in”. With this in mind, if you haven’t worn an item of clothing for at least 3 years, it’s time to say goodbye. Plus, now there are plenty of online apps that can help you sell your unwanted clothes quickly and easily. From Vinted to Depop, and eBay to the good old-fashioned car boot sale there is always going to be someone out there who will put your clothes to better use than you currently are. 


If, however, you’ve come to terms with your golf clubs no longer serving a purpose and your prized DVD collection has been shipped off in exchange for cash already but you’re still struggling for space in your home, then M-Store Self Storage solutions are here to help.


M-Store provides first-class storage facilities across Cornwall, with flexibility and professionalism encapsulated throughout the services offered. With a range of individually secure storage units in a selection of sizes to choose from, you can create more space in your home safe in the knowledge that your items are being looked after under lock and key for however long you need them to be.


If you’re looking to free up more space in your home this year, give the M-Store Team a call on 01726 890880 or email enquirie@m-store.biz to get in touch with our dedicated customer service team.